Hi All,

Yes I know it’s been forever. I’ve been busy. What with? Well first of all there’s the massive time sink that goes into editing together tha (sort of) monthly Edgar Allan Poecast.

Then of course there’s the job hunting, which is tedious, depressing and, thus far, fruitless. But then again it’s likely to remain that way until I get a job, at which point it will cease entirely (hooray… I think).

On the plus side this has given me a bit more time to do some actual me writing. I’m currently working on another couple of Ghost stories to add to the two already available on Amazon (Shoes upon the table and Shadow Run).

I’m also looking at writing a novel. Nothing too special or hi-faluting, but a romance piece (think Mills and Boon… but a bit crazier… like Jackie Collins… crossed with nick hornby… does that help? it doesn’t help does it?). I’ll post more here when it’s got beyond the vague kernel stage and when I’d love to have folks act as beta-readers.

In other writing news I’ve also started working with an editor which is making a massive difference to my workflow and actually encouraging me to set stuff loose in the real world (well, Amazon… but with other outlets to follow).

Anything else? Well I’m probably going to be moving house (from one part of London to another) so don’t expect any new surge of creativity just yet… nto now… but soon!