
What’s that you say, more than six months and no posts? Can this be?

Yes, and the reason is that I’ve been busy, busy with the following:

  • Podcast work

Remember a while ago I made a couple of audio recordings? (If not then here are a couple). Well moving on from that I’ve started up a podcast (working title “two physicists and a baker discuss literature”) with a couple of friends, dedicated to the works of Edgar Allan Poe. In fact our third episode just went up today. You can find out more at poecast.co.uk

It’s loosely based on a couple of excellent podcasts dedicated to other horror/weird fiction writers, the M.R. JamesPodcast to the curious‘ and the H P Lovecraft Literary Podcast (hppodcraft.com) so try them out too to see it done properly.

  • Story writing

I’ve been working on a few short stories, of which more to follow in the near future (hopefully).

With much effort and much help from the wonderful instructors of the BSKF and my fellow kenshi I passed my grading and got my shodan (black belt) in Shorinji Kempo. Thank you to everyone for your support.